Below: Suns 1-7 [60 X 48 inches]

Below: Snake | TAP TO ENLARGE

Below: Ophis | TAP TO ENLARGE

Below: Feathered Snakes | TAP TO ENLARGE

Below: Serpientes | TAP TO ENLARGE

Below: Dragon | TAP TO ENLARGE

Below: Sunsnakes [~39 X 60 inches] | TAP TO ENLARGE

Red Dragon

Below: O Serpent Heart, Hid with a Flowering Face! 1-11 [60 X 48 inches]

Below: Culebras 1-14 [11 X 15 inches]

Below: Plumed Serpent 1-6 [24 X 18 inches]

Below: Poet 1-40 [TAP TO ENLARGE]