“Fire, Paint, Pastels | Stones, Fans, Gum: On Writing with Nontraditional Media and Supports” and “Writing Prompt” for Poetry magazine’s Not Too Hard to Master series (2024; originally in Poetry magazine)

A review of Ish Klein’s The New Sun Time (2022; originally at Rain Taxi)

Zoepoiesis: Four Theses (2018; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

If the Sky Darkens: On Amelia Rosselli (2016; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

On the Margins: Poetry and the Refugee (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

On the Margins: Poetry and the Refugee (Part Two) (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Vultures (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

Nocturne: José Asunción Silva [with a translation of Silva’s “Nocturne III”] (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

Rumors: Mallarmé (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

On Azure and Translating Mallarmé (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

On Peter Gizzi’s In Defense of Nothing (2015; originally at The Iowa Review)

On Dread, Love, and Poetry (2012; originally at the Poetry Society of America)

New American Poets series selected by Robyn Schiff (2011; originally at the Poetry Society of America)



Josely Vianna Baptista Interviewed by Robert Fernandez (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

Juan Carlos Galeano Interviewed by Robert Fernandez (2015; originally at the Poetry Foundation)

Diana Thow Interviewed by Robert Fernandez and Thow Amelia Rosselli Translations (2012; originally at the Best American Poetry blog)


Interviewed by Kristina Perkins (2015; originally at Midwestern Gothic)

PoetryNow (2015)

Q&A with students (2012 & 2013; originally at Thermos)

Prompts by Zach Savich (2011; originally at Thermos)

Interviewed by Simone dos Anjos (2006; originally at The Modern Review)


Idra Novey at The Poetry Foundation (2016)


Scarecrow (Wesleyan University Press, 2016)

Honors for Scarecrow from Daniel Handler (a.k.a Lemony Snicket) (“books of poetry I found especially useful this year”); Tin House (“the very best of 2016”); the Washington Independent Review of Books (“roundup of the best poetry”); Flavorwire (a “must read” poetry book); Wild Detectives (“the bestest of 2016”).

Azure (Wesleyan University Press, 2015) [a translation of the work of Stéphane Mallarmé with Blake Bronson-Bartlett]

Reviews or features in The New Yorker, The Volta, and American Book Review.

Pink Reef (Canarium Books, 2013)

Pink Reef introduced by Timothy Donnelly for Boston Review, selected as a best book of 2013 by Cal Bedient for The Volta and Seth Graves for Coldfront magazine, and called “one of the best books of the year” by Shane McCrae in the Los Angeles Review of Books.

We Are Pharaoh (Canarium Books, 2011)

Honors for/related to We Are Pharaoh from the Poetry Society of America (named a New American Poet by Robyn Schiff); Poets and Writers magazine (named a “debut poet”/We Are Pharaoh named one of 10 “stand-out debuts”); the University of Massachusetts Amherst Juniper Literary Festival (named an “emerging writer”); The Offending Adam (We Are Pharaoh named a “book of the month”).