Robert Fernandez
Current Projects: Shows
Dark Corals [2025-] [In Progress]
Sunflowers [2023-] [In Progress]
Suns and Dragons [2017-2024]
Torch [2023]
Culebras [2023]
(S)HELLS [2022 & 2025]
After the Flood [2022]
Sphinx [2022]
Orpheus [2022]
Valleys and Fans [2021]
Venus [2021]
Love [2019-2021]
Geswork [2018-2021]
Current Projects: Books
Recovery [Poems]
Transitions: Poems 2013-2020
The Living [2011]
Aurora: Selected Poems by José Asunción Silva
Paintings 2025
Paintings 2024
Paintings 2023
Paintings 2022
Paintings 2021
Selected Paintings ≤2020
Art Books
Rintrah Roars [8.75X5.75in] [2019]
Traité de Petit Tactiques [12.5X10.75in] [2017]
Grand Grimoire [12.5X10.75in] [2016]
Petit Grimoire [5X4.5in] [2016]
Pearls Before Swine [2012]
Object Sequences
Andenken [12.5X14in] [2020]
Minotaur [2017]
Herr Lindworm [2017]
De Profundis [2017]
A Moveable Feast [2016]
The Time of the Assassins [2016]
Let the Crushed Bones Rejoice [2016]
Like Some Boys [2016]
Like Some Boys (Alternates) [2016]
Savonarola [2016]
Antigone [2016]
FAU$T [2016]
Faust [2016]
Sappho's Busted Smile [2016]
Super Bubble (after Mallarmé) [2016]
Drawings, Notebooks, Photographs, etc.
Conchita [30X22in] [2025]
Melancholy [102X132IN] [2025]
Dark Eternity [2025]
Flag (Uno Dos Tres) [2025]
Eternity [2025]
Dragon [2024]
Serpientes [2024]
Feathered Snakes [2024]
Ophis [2024]
Snake [2024]
The Friend (Poem) [2024]
The Friend [2024]
Dusky Jewel [2024]
Dark Gem [2024]
Zonnelbloem [2024]
O Rose [2024]
Sunflower [48X48in] [2024]
Girasols [2024]
Dark Sunflowers [2024]
Recovery (Pearl) (Floating in Space) [2024]
Recovery (Pearl) (The Hand as a Being) [2024]
Dreaming | Printing | Disaster | Purifier (Poetics) [2024]
Stills [2024] [In Progress]
A Throw of Dice Never Will Abolish Chance | All Thought Emits a Throw of Dice [2023]
L'Impossible [2023]
Mont Blanc [2023]
Sunflowers [2023]
Poet [2023]
Stills [≤2023]
Faust [2.6X1.5in] [2023]
Recoveries (Tapestries) [2023]
Torch 3 [48X60in] [alt pic] [2023]
Alt (Pearls Before Swine: Fresh Beauty) [2023]
Everything in Its Right Place [2023]
Medusa [2022]
Culebras (la Florida) [11X15in] [2022]
Rehearsal (Mulholland Drive) [10X8in] [2022]
Slides [2022]
Antonin Artaud Selected Writings Edited, and with an Introduction by Susan Sontag [5X3in] [2022]
The Raven [2022]
My Boyfriend's Sweater [In Progress] [2022]
We're Not Serious When We're Seventeen [2022]
Ave Maria [In Progress] [2022]
Spring Break [3X5in] [2022]
D.A.R.E. (This Was Probably Worn by Some...) [2022]
Sakutarō Waltz [18X24in] [2022]
Stills [2022]
Primeval Glory (Paper) [12X18in] [2022]
Ore Man [2021]
Venus (Sketches) [5X3in] [2021]
Ye Shall Not Evade Circumstance [2021]
Valleys of Neptune [2021]
Jirafa [2021]
Things Fall Apart [18X12in] [2021]
Antigòn [18X24in] [2021]
Brujaha [18X24in] [2021]
Dracula [18X24in] [2021]
Don Juan [18X24in] [2021]
Beach Bums [12X9in] [2021]
Hippies [18X24in] [2021]
D. [2021]
Primeval Glory [13.5X10.5in] [2021]
Heartbreak Hotel [4.375X1.375in] [2021]
Eurydice [2021]
El Otro Lado [7.5X4.75] [2021]
Everything's Up in the Air [2021]
Transition (Manatee ↔ Dracula) [24X18in] [2021]
Draculas [24X18in] [2021]
The Edge [Rubble] [2021]
The Edge [Ruedo] [2021]
Vowels | Light on Ruins | The Yellow House [3.5X5.5in] [2020]
Toro [12X18in] [2020]
The Infinite [2020]
Children of the Revolution [24X18in] [2021]
Rehearsal (Lilica) [8X10in] [2020]
Ouroboros [24X18in] [2020]
blood / seeps / through / the windows [18X24in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Marie) [10X8in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Hyena) [7.5X5.5in] [2020]
Mercury [18X12in] [2020]
Wormwood [8.1X6in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Rodrigo) [10X8in] [2020]
Magic and Reality [10.75X8in] [2020]
Bone Broth [17X23in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Arthur) [10X8in] [2020]
Culebras [11X15n] [2018-2020]
Blazing Furnace (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) [18X12in] [2020]
Desert Alchemy [12X18in] [2020]
Lorca [9X12in] [2020]
Babel [100X45in] [2020]
Knights of the Round Table [~8'X18in] [2020]
Byron [2020]
Stone [2020]
Cinnabar (Red Window) [2020]
Onda [11X15in] [2020]
Shut the Window [11X8.5in] [2020]
Broken Bottle [9X5.5in] [2020]
Love (Carnations) [2020]
The Second Ring of Power [2019]
Lyre [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
La Familia [12X18in] [2020]
Ark [11X15in]
Ayahuasca [2020]
Madness [18X12in] [2020]
Book of Moths [8X5.5in] [2020]
Naga (after Bill Traylor) [18X24in] [2020]
Wheatfield with Crows [18X24in] [2020]
Coronation [12X9in] [2020]
Shred the Breast [24X18in] [2020]
Serpent and Rainbow [24X18in] [2020]
One Two Three [17X14in] [2020]
Dracula [24X18in] [2020]
Hearts [24X18in] [2020]
Transfer of Violence [18X24in] [2020]
Migration [9X12in] [2019]
Love [2020] [12X9in]
Cara Mia [12X6in] [6X4in] [2019]
Enter Sandman [24X18in] [2019]
Sun Ward [18X24in] [2019]
Camel [24X18in] [2019]
Total War [9X12in] [2019]
Lyf [2018]
Toro Oro Boro [6X12in] [2019]
Breakdown [2019]
Aetoi [2019]
Judgement Day [8X5.5in] [2019]
Sunday [10.75X12.5in] [2019]
Easter [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
Rienbao [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
Sunstead [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
War Child [] [2019]
Graduation [2019]
Antigon/Ella [ES] (Doubled Sided) [28X13.5in] [2019]
Dionysus Christ [24X18in] [2019]
Sundaze [12X9in] [2019]
Der Prozess [2019]
Plague [18X24in] [2018]
Triptych (On the Court of the Infinite) [2018]
Geswork (Diamonds) (Sky) [2018]
Geswork (Diamonds) [2018]
Geswork (Bison) [2018]
Puerto del Sol [2018]
Vielleicht, Dass Ich Durch... [2018]
Two by Four [2018]
Book of the Blue Knight [4.375X1.375in] [2018]
Labor Temple [2018]
Stoned Immaculate [2018]
My Foolishness [12X8in] [2018]
Aetoi [2018]
Triptych (Navidad) [2018]
Starslide [2018]
New Jerusalem [2018]
Ornament [2017]
aka [2017]
My Kind of Heroism 2 [60X40in] [2017]
Diptych (Black Heart Red Heart) [2017]
Pick [2017]
Self-Portrait (Sporting Life) [2017]
Aetos [2017]
Último Hombre [2017]
Triptych (Love's Feast) [2017]
Chatterton [2017]
Scratch 272 [10.5X8in] [2017]
Diptych (Gusano) [2017]
All I Have Is Yours [2017]
Las Difícils [2017]
Symposium [5X3 inches] [2017]
Deck (Crushed Bones) [31X8in] [2017]
Sun Is Shining II [2017]
Illustrations for "Ballad of the Little Seeds" [2017]
Toba [8.5X6in] [2017]
Hell [2017]
Popcorn [8X8in] [2016]
Eels Turned like Wrists [2016]
Pray for Me [2016]
Geswork (Bison) [2016]
Triptych (Valentine) [2016]
How Do You Prove You're Down for Life? [8.58X10.98in] [2016]
Metanoia [2016]
Quatern (Legba) [2016]
Bolivar (Gum Arabic) [2016]
Sojourner [2016]
Untitled (Finger Trap) [.75X5.5in] [2016]
Bacchus [2016]
Legba [2016]
Legba (Vert) [2016]
Heart Rise [2016]
Southlake [2016]
Ref [2016]
Diptych (Jai Alai) [2016]
Hermes [2016]
Clear as Light [2016]
Giant Rainbows [2016]
Razor [2016]
Geswork (Derecho) [2016]
Geswork (Izquierda) [2016]
Geswork (Agua) [2016]
Diptych (Nothing Is Nothing Something Is Something) [2016]
Triptych (Danbala) [2016]
The Cure of Folly (Extraction of the Stone of Madness) [2016]
Atlantis [2016]
Tolle Lege [2016] [Lost]
Neck Braces [41X55in] [2016]
You're So Confusing [2016] [Lost]
Dark Horse [2016]
Dark Horse [The Call] [2016]
Eutychus [2016]
Dumbbell [2016] [Lost]
Pele [2016] [Lost]
Coca [2016] [Lost]
Nada [2016[ [Lost]
Grail (Niños) [2016] [Lost]
Silver Grail (Niños) [2016] [Lost]
Niños (Grail) [2016] [Lost]
Floors [2016]
Triptych (Everyone Falls in Love Sometimes) [2016]
Diablo [2016] [Lost]
Atë (Ruins) [2016]
Yet Nothing Is Impossible, Nothing... [2016]
Poetics [2016]
Irises (after Van Gogh) [2016]
Make Them Die Mad with Crushes and Beauty [2016]
Morning Stars [Spiders] [2016]
Morning Stars [Noodles] [2016]
Sappho's Lyre [4.5X3in] [2016]
Two Diamond Earrings in Robert's Ear [18X24in] [2016]
It Was Like France [6X4in] [2016]
Winter Dream [8.5X11in] [2016]
Adam Walsh [2016]
Chump Change [24X18in] [2016]
Rainbow [2016]
Colombian Gold [2015]
Rienbao [2015]
First Pearl (The World Obtrudes) [2007]
Hell Me Down [LP] [2024]
Flying Dutchman [EP] [2024]
Sun Bowl: Selected Tracks 2018-2022 [2023]
Leap Into the Abyss [EP] [2023]
Gumbo Limbo [LP] [2022]
Love (Every Word in the English Language) [EP] [2022]
Primeval Glory (Western Interior Seaway) [LP] [2021]
I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing, Each to Each [EP] [2021]
Alpha & Omega [LP] [2020]
Guido [LP] [2019]
Popcorn (B-Sides) [2018]
Popcorn [LP] [2018]
Artist Statement
Prose, Interviews, Reviews, Etc.
The Chimeras
Current Projects: Shows
Dark Corals [2025-] [In Progress]
Sunflowers [2023-] [In Progress]
Suns and Dragons [2017-2024]
Torch [2023]
Culebras [2023]
(S)HELLS [2022 & 2025]
After the Flood [2022]
Sphinx [2022]
Orpheus [2022]
Valleys and Fans [2021]
Venus [2021]
Love [2019-2021]
Geswork [2018-2021]
Current Projects: Books
Recovery [Poems]
Transitions: Poems 2013-2020
The Living [2011]
Aurora: Selected Poems by José Asunción Silva
Paintings 2025
Paintings 2024
Paintings 2023
Paintings 2022
Paintings 2021
Selected Paintings ≤2020
Art Books
Rintrah Roars [8.75X5.75in] [2019]
Traité de Petit Tactiques [12.5X10.75in] [2017]
Grand Grimoire [12.5X10.75in] [2016]
Petit Grimoire [5X4.5in] [2016]
Pearls Before Swine [2012]
Object Sequences
Andenken [12.5X14in] [2020]
Minotaur [2017]
Herr Lindworm [2017]
De Profundis [2017]
A Moveable Feast [2016]
The Time of the Assassins [2016]
Let the Crushed Bones Rejoice [2016]
Like Some Boys [2016]
Like Some Boys (Alternates) [2016]
Savonarola [2016]
Antigone [2016]
FAU$T [2016]
Faust [2016]
Sappho's Busted Smile [2016]
Super Bubble (after Mallarmé) [2016]
Drawings, Notebooks, Photographs, etc.
Conchita [30X22in] [2025]
Melancholy [102X132IN] [2025]
Dark Eternity [2025]
Flag (Uno Dos Tres) [2025]
Eternity [2025]
Dragon [2024]
Serpientes [2024]
Feathered Snakes [2024]
Ophis [2024]
Snake [2024]
The Friend (Poem) [2024]
The Friend [2024]
Dusky Jewel [2024]
Dark Gem [2024]
Zonnelbloem [2024]
O Rose [2024]
Sunflower [48X48in] [2024]
Girasols [2024]
Dark Sunflowers [2024]
Recovery (Pearl) (Floating in Space) [2024]
Recovery (Pearl) (The Hand as a Being) [2024]
Dreaming | Printing | Disaster | Purifier (Poetics) [2024]
Stills [2024] [In Progress]
A Throw of Dice Never Will Abolish Chance | All Thought Emits a Throw of Dice [2023]
L'Impossible [2023]
Mont Blanc [2023]
Sunflowers [2023]
Poet [2023]
Stills [≤2023]
Faust [2.6X1.5in] [2023]
Recoveries (Tapestries) [2023]
Torch 3 [48X60in] [alt pic] [2023]
Alt (Pearls Before Swine: Fresh Beauty) [2023]
Everything in Its Right Place [2023]
Medusa [2022]
Culebras (la Florida) [11X15in] [2022]
Rehearsal (Mulholland Drive) [10X8in] [2022]
Slides [2022]
Antonin Artaud Selected Writings Edited, and with an Introduction by Susan Sontag [5X3in] [2022]
The Raven [2022]
My Boyfriend's Sweater [In Progress] [2022]
We're Not Serious When We're Seventeen [2022]
Ave Maria [In Progress] [2022]
Spring Break [3X5in] [2022]
D.A.R.E. (This Was Probably Worn by Some...) [2022]
Sakutarō Waltz [18X24in] [2022]
Stills [2022]
Primeval Glory (Paper) [12X18in] [2022]
Ore Man [2021]
Venus (Sketches) [5X3in] [2021]
Ye Shall Not Evade Circumstance [2021]
Valleys of Neptune [2021]
Jirafa [2021]
Things Fall Apart [18X12in] [2021]
Antigòn [18X24in] [2021]
Brujaha [18X24in] [2021]
Dracula [18X24in] [2021]
Don Juan [18X24in] [2021]
Beach Bums [12X9in] [2021]
Hippies [18X24in] [2021]
D. [2021]
Primeval Glory [13.5X10.5in] [2021]
Heartbreak Hotel [4.375X1.375in] [2021]
Eurydice [2021]
El Otro Lado [7.5X4.75] [2021]
Everything's Up in the Air [2021]
Transition (Manatee ↔ Dracula) [24X18in] [2021]
Draculas [24X18in] [2021]
The Edge [Rubble] [2021]
The Edge [Ruedo] [2021]
Vowels | Light on Ruins | The Yellow House [3.5X5.5in] [2020]
Toro [12X18in] [2020]
The Infinite [2020]
Children of the Revolution [24X18in] [2021]
Rehearsal (Lilica) [8X10in] [2020]
Ouroboros [24X18in] [2020]
blood / seeps / through / the windows [18X24in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Marie) [10X8in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Hyena) [7.5X5.5in] [2020]
Mercury [18X12in] [2020]
Wormwood [8.1X6in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Rodrigo) [10X8in] [2020]
Magic and Reality [10.75X8in] [2020]
Bone Broth [17X23in] [2020]
Rehearsal (Arthur) [10X8in] [2020]
Culebras [11X15n] [2018-2020]
Blazing Furnace (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) [18X12in] [2020]
Desert Alchemy [12X18in] [2020]
Lorca [9X12in] [2020]
Babel [100X45in] [2020]
Knights of the Round Table [~8'X18in] [2020]
Byron [2020]
Stone [2020]
Cinnabar (Red Window) [2020]
Onda [11X15in] [2020]
Shut the Window [11X8.5in] [2020]
Broken Bottle [9X5.5in] [2020]
Love (Carnations) [2020]
The Second Ring of Power [2019]
Lyre [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
La Familia [12X18in] [2020]
Ark [11X15in]
Ayahuasca [2020]
Madness [18X12in] [2020]
Book of Moths [8X5.5in] [2020]
Naga (after Bill Traylor) [18X24in] [2020]
Wheatfield with Crows [18X24in] [2020]
Coronation [12X9in] [2020]
Shred the Breast [24X18in] [2020]
Serpent and Rainbow [24X18in] [2020]
One Two Three [17X14in] [2020]
Dracula [24X18in] [2020]
Hearts [24X18in] [2020]
Transfer of Violence [18X24in] [2020]
Migration [9X12in] [2019]
Love [2020] [12X9in]
Cara Mia [12X6in] [6X4in] [2019]
Enter Sandman [24X18in] [2019]
Sun Ward [18X24in] [2019]
Camel [24X18in] [2019]
Total War [9X12in] [2019]
Lyf [2018]
Toro Oro Boro [6X12in] [2019]
Breakdown [2019]
Aetoi [2019]
Judgement Day [8X5.5in] [2019]
Sunday [10.75X12.5in] [2019]
Easter [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
Rienbao [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
Sunstead [12.5X10.75in] [2019]
War Child [] [2019]
Graduation [2019]
Antigon/Ella [ES] (Doubled Sided) [28X13.5in] [2019]
Dionysus Christ [24X18in] [2019]
Sundaze [12X9in] [2019]
Der Prozess [2019]
Plague [18X24in] [2018]
Triptych (On the Court of the Infinite) [2018]
Geswork (Diamonds) (Sky) [2018]
Geswork (Diamonds) [2018]
Geswork (Bison) [2018]
Puerto del Sol [2018]
Vielleicht, Dass Ich Durch... [2018]
Two by Four [2018]
Book of the Blue Knight [4.375X1.375in] [2018]
Labor Temple [2018]
Stoned Immaculate [2018]
My Foolishness [12X8in] [2018]
Aetoi [2018]
Triptych (Navidad) [2018]
Starslide [2018]
New Jerusalem [2018]
Ornament [2017]
aka [2017]
My Kind of Heroism 2 [60X40in] [2017]
Diptych (Black Heart Red Heart) [2017]
Pick [2017]
Self-Portrait (Sporting Life) [2017]
Aetos [2017]
Último Hombre [2017]
Triptych (Love's Feast) [2017]
Chatterton [2017]
Scratch 272 [10.5X8in] [2017]
Diptych (Gusano) [2017]
All I Have Is Yours [2017]
Las Difícils [2017]
Symposium [5X3 inches] [2017]
Deck (Crushed Bones) [31X8in] [2017]
Sun Is Shining II [2017]
Illustrations for "Ballad of the Little Seeds" [2017]
Toba [8.5X6in] [2017]
Hell [2017]
Popcorn [8X8in] [2016]
Eels Turned like Wrists [2016]
Pray for Me [2016]
Geswork (Bison) [2016]
Triptych (Valentine) [2016]
How Do You Prove You're Down for Life? [8.58X10.98in] [2016]
Metanoia [2016]
Quatern (Legba) [2016]
Bolivar (Gum Arabic) [2016]
Sojourner [2016]
Untitled (Finger Trap) [.75X5.5in] [2016]
Bacchus [2016]
Legba [2016]
Legba (Vert) [2016]
Heart Rise [2016]
Southlake [2016]
Ref [2016]
Diptych (Jai Alai) [2016]
Hermes [2016]
Clear as Light [2016]
Giant Rainbows [2016]
Razor [2016]
Geswork (Derecho) [2016]
Geswork (Izquierda) [2016]
Geswork (Agua) [2016]
Diptych (Nothing Is Nothing Something Is Something) [2016]
Triptych (Danbala) [2016]
The Cure of Folly (Extraction of the Stone of Madness) [2016]
Atlantis [2016]
Tolle Lege [2016] [Lost]
Neck Braces [41X55in] [2016]
You're So Confusing [2016] [Lost]
Dark Horse [2016]
Dark Horse [The Call] [2016]
Eutychus [2016]
Dumbbell [2016] [Lost]
Pele [2016] [Lost]
Coca [2016] [Lost]
Nada [2016[ [Lost]
Grail (Niños) [2016] [Lost]
Silver Grail (Niños) [2016] [Lost]
Niños (Grail) [2016] [Lost]
Floors [2016]
Triptych (Everyone Falls in Love Sometimes) [2016]
Diablo [2016] [Lost]
Atë (Ruins) [2016]
Yet Nothing Is Impossible, Nothing... [2016]
Poetics [2016]
Irises (after Van Gogh) [2016]
Make Them Die Mad with Crushes and Beauty [2016]
Morning Stars [Spiders] [2016]
Morning Stars [Noodles] [2016]
Sappho's Lyre [4.5X3in] [2016]
Two Diamond Earrings in Robert's Ear [18X24in] [2016]
It Was Like France [6X4in] [2016]
Winter Dream [8.5X11in] [2016]
Adam Walsh [2016]
Chump Change [24X18in] [2016]
Rainbow [2016]
Colombian Gold [2015]
Rienbao [2015]
First Pearl (The World Obtrudes) [2007]
Hell Me Down [LP] [2024]
Flying Dutchman [EP] [2024]
Sun Bowl: Selected Tracks 2018-2022 [2023]
Leap Into the Abyss [EP] [2023]
Gumbo Limbo [LP] [2022]
Love (Every Word in the English Language) [EP] [2022]
Primeval Glory (Western Interior Seaway) [LP] [2021]
I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing, Each to Each [EP] [2021]
Alpha & Omega [LP] [2020]
Guido [LP] [2019]
Popcorn (B-Sides) [2018]
Popcorn [LP] [2018]
Artist Statement
Prose, Interviews, Reviews, Etc.
The Chimeras
November 18, 2024
Robert Fernandez
Two poems at
like a field
Thanks to Sloane Scott